Make A Donation

The Society of California Pioneers is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable corporation.
Our tax ID number is 94-1225379.
Thank you for your support!

Mailing a Donation
To mail a donation, simply write a check payable to “The Society of California Pioneers” and write “donation” in the memo field. Then mail the check to:
The Society of California Pioneers
300 Fourth Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Make a Donation Online
Your tax-deductible donation is deeply appreciated!

Donations of Appreciated Securities
To transfer securities electronically from a brokerage account, please contact your broker with the following information:
The Society of California Pioneers Broker/Account Information:
City National Bank #19355
DTC# 2039
The Society of California Pioneers Account #4824 3510
To assure timely receipt of your stock donation, please complete this form or email Mercedes Devine, Executive Director, at [email protected].
Become a Sustaining Donor
Set up automatic monthly contributions through your bank’s Bill Pay feature.

Planned Giving & the Pioneer Legacy Circle
The Pioneer Legacy Circle honors supporters of The Society of California Pioneers who wish to contribute to the success of our mission by including The Society in their estate plan. All Pioneer Legacy Circle members receive our special Legacy pin (pictured) in honor of their commitment.
Many tax-wise options are available for planned giving, such as bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUT), charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRAT) and gift annuities. Please seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional when considering any form of planned gift. To learn more about the Pioneer Legacy Circle, please contact the Executive Director, Mercedes Devine, at (415) 957-1849 or [email protected]

Memorial Donations
To make a donation in memory of someone who has passed away, kindly note their name in the memo field of the check. A letter citing acknowledgement of the gift will be sent to the family of the deceased and a donation receipt letter will be sent to the donor.
Employer Matching Contributions
Your employer may match, double or even triple your donation with a matching gift! Contact your Human Resources department for more information.
Donor Privacy Policy
The Society of California Pioneers values our donors’ privacy. We will not sell, trade or share a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send mailings on behalf of other organizations. We will only share personal information once the donor has given The Society specific permission to do so. Additionally, any credit card information a donor provides for online donation transactions is immediately destroyed and used only for that transaction.