Lawrence & Houseworth Photographs
This database is an open access database of 1,495 historical photographs by the renowned stereoview publishing firm of Lawrence & Houseworth.

Association of Pioneer Women of California
Search the transcriptions of over 800 first-person accounts of women who arrived during the early years of statehood.

Search the Online Archive of California by keyword for manuscripts in our Alice Phelan Sullivan Library.

Search the WorldCat database for books by author, title, keyword and more. If our library owns the title, we will be listed under “Holdings”.

Search the California Newspaper Project database and use the “Institution” field and search with the phrase: Soc. of Calif. Pioneers. This abbreviation must be used exactly to retrieve our 189 records.

Sheet Music
Search the 19th Century California Sheet Music database to narrow your search to only music in our collection, enter “Society of California Pioneers” as the keyword. This will bring up 1,012 items. The database provides complete digital images of the cover and the music.

Search the California Ephemera database – click on any of our three collections – Biographical Files, General California Files, or County Files – to search within that collection.

Autobiographies & Reminiscences
The database is searchable via the Online Archive of California by name, subject, date, and keywords.

Lone Mountain/Laurel Hill Cemetery Records
The Lone Mountain/Laurel Hill Burial Records were kept chronologically in ledgers. The ledgers are indexed. Unfortunately, you cannot scroll through the ledgers at this time.
The index is arranged alphabetically by last name. The original ledgers and index are bound separately (and, therefore, have been digitized separately). You can access and search either or both:
To search by date, begin with the ledgers
To search by name, begin with the index. The index will direct you to a ledger (by volume and page number) where the detailed burial record is entered.